Joshua Jorgensen

Über.Brücken. That’s the name of the city-planning project Joshua marks as the highlight of his architectural career thus far. Meaning to “Bridge Over” in German, Joshua and his studio partner at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar sought ways to interweave various neighborhood typologies, building functions, historical contexts and various city landscapes into a cohesive addition for the city of Prague in the Czech Republic. Prior to achieving his Master of Science in Architecture at Bauhaus, Joshua received his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and his Associate of Science at the Chattanooga State Technical Community College. Joshua is driven by his desire to provide a better working and living environment for everyone. Outside of work, Joshua enjoys photography, playing video games, watching anime, biking, swimming, and keeping his German language skills sharp.
1216 East Main Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
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