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TennGreen Hike-a-Thon

As a firm with a passion for sustainability and a commitment to preserving natural landscapes, HK Architects eagerly embraced the opportunity to sponsor and partake in the TennGreen Hike-a-thon. TennGreen, a nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving Tennessee's natural beauty, organizes this annual event to raise awareness and funds for their conservation efforts. The Hike-a-thon serves as a rallying call, encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to explore the state's stunning trails while supporting a worthy cause.

Youngeun Joung hiked in her home country of Korea. She won best photo for this snap of her and her mother in Bukhansan National Park in Seoul.


This event was a fun way for our team to connect, stay motivated, and provide some healthy competition. In total, our team completed 136 adventures in the month of April. We walked away with some pretty awesome stats:

- Most Miles hiked: Youngeun Joung - 2nd Place (197.1)⁠

- Most Miles Trail Run: Clif McCormick - 3rd Place (49.4)⁠

- Most Miles Mountain Biked: Charles Barlow - 3rd Place (58)⁠

- Most Feet Climbed: Tiffany Murphy - 3rd Place (18,158)⁠

Tiffany Murphy won third place for most feet climbed in Tenn Green's Hike-a-Thon 2023.

Tiffany Murphy, interior designer, won third place for most feet climbed.


As the Hike-a-thon came to a close, our team realized that our involvement in such events goes beyond the act of hiking and adventuring; it is a symbolic gesture of our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable design practices. Our involvement in this event helped reignite our passion to continue incorporating sustainable design principles into our projects, ensuring that the built environment coexists harmoniously with the natural world.

Tagged: NewsStaff

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Chattanooga, TN 37408

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